viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Value isn't price

"Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country." (Wikipedia)

Without money, there's a lot that we can't do, because society overestimates it as the only object to satisfy our needs.

Nowadays the society is corrupted by capitalism; we’re raised up to consume constantly and to think that this makes us a better person. This is why I think that even if money is a passenger thing, we must be careful and don’t spend it immediately. As students we must learn to save money for our future.

Many projects than were thought as a benefit to society, are corrupted by people that their only interest is money. At the end many of this projects doesn’t reach their firsts objectives.

Money doesn't last in time, this means, it's a superficial thing and it shouldn't be overestimate. It just needs someone with power to say that money doesn't have value anymore, and so it will be.

I think that happiness can’t be bought, because the most valuable things are the one that money can’t buy, such as love and a dinosaur.

This is why price isn’t the same that value.

Greetings JC!

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

To vote !

Later of the change that Chile lived with the implementation of the voluntary vote, everyone is hoping that polls were full. However, the abstinence achieved the 60%! I read in the social networks that "If the vote would change something, this would be prohibited", but I think that is a radical point of view. Always will be indispensable that the citizenship express their civic thought. I live in Estación Central and the two main candidates for became mayor were Rodrigo Delgado (UDI) and Camilo Ballesteros (PC). I have lived in Estación Central since 1998 and I know Rodrigo Delgado because he was mayor in the period 2008-2012 and he doesn't bad his job, but Camilo had the possibility of enter in the policy (In the election for mayor - 28/10/12, he achieved the 47,14% of the votes against the 48,55% of the Rodrigo's votes. It means that Camilo, like a youth representative of the citizenship of Estación Central, started very well in the policy. I vote for first time in a school of Estación Central and the process was very short. There is some that I didn´t like, and it were the paper and pamphlets (All of candidates) and the blurb maliciously for part of Rodrigo Delgado (In my commune). The last dislike was a reason for not vote to Rodrigo Delgado.

I hope that in the next elections vote more people than this year!

Regards :) 

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

My hobby

Well, I have many hobbies like play football (defending the goal as a goalkeeper), to listen music (my favorite musical group is called Placebo), or eating out with my girlfriend c: (In the KFC, but I eat chips because I’m vegetarian)…  But the hobby that has been accompanied me for a long time is the reading. I like read books. My favorite American writer is Paulo Coelho. He has made many books like: The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage, Maktub, The Fifth Mountain, The Manual of the Warrior of Light, Veronika Decides to and The Zahir. I have read those 7 books and it’s impossible not to be thrilled reading the perfect literature of this Brazilian writer. Others books that I like very much are the saga of Harry Potter (~ and the Philosopher's Stone, ~ and the Chamber of Secrets, ~ and the Prisoner of Azkaban, ~ and the Goblet of Fire, ~ and the Order of the Phoenix, ~ and the Half-Blood Prince and ~ and the Deathly Hallows. Anecdotally, when I went to the cinema to watch the last film of the saga, I cried like a child jaja. The Harry Potter saga marked my adolescence completely. Other saga that is very interesting and that I’m reading actually is the Hunter Games Saga. This saga is conformed for three books:  The Hunter Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Due to the work in the University, I haven’t read the second book of the saga, Catching Fire. I hope to finish it soon. The Hunter Games has a film too. It’s good, but the director censored the most of the murders, that are the best part of the story.
I like to read and I will follow making it for a long time, and for fun (:

viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Iloca Beach <3

It is a trip that I will never forget.. Is my first field trip by more than one day and It was amazing :) The field trip was from Los Queñes to Iloca, VII Región del Maule, Chile. I went with my classmates of Geology, 50 persons around, but in the trip I was with my best friend Gustavo all the time.. We travelled from Los Queñes, where we stopped in the Río Claro, later in the Río Teno to eat, later we arrived to a school to have a dinner and to sleep, in Hualañé that is near to Curicó. The next day, we woke out to 7:30 hours to follow the way to Iloca.. We passed through for Licantén and we arrived to Iloca where we eat.. and later we come back to Santiago to 16:00 hours. In the first day, we took photographies of the Rio Claro, the Río Teno, to a lahar, to the boulders, some waterfalls.. We learnt about the foodplain and how would affect in the zone in a suspected river flood. Also, the differents concepts of vulnerability, susceptibility and natural hazards, and its differences. In the night in the school, I played basquetball with Gustavo, we ate noodles with soy meet, we played "mafia and police", we played baby-football, we drank very much jajaja, and we sleep but the school was very cold :( The second day, we went to Iloca, we searched to "Zafrada" but he wasn't. I kept a "chert" that I took of the Iloca beach :). Also we eat in a restaurant "Donde Camila", and I'm vegetarian, then I eat rice with cabbage :D It field trip was very funny and educative, because I learnt many concepts very importants for physical geography and I like it :)

Greetings friends :)

Rio Claro

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Harry Potter and London

I like very much the film Harry Potter. I have seen the complete serie and I have read the seven books of J.K.Rowling. Harry Potter have relation with London due to the zone used for to film the movie. I remember that I read the last two books in the year 2010, when I should have been studying for the P.S.U. I was crazy for the text and I find out the places where the movie was filmed. London was one of the places choose for the directors for greening the movie :D Some places choose are: the King's Cross Station as the Hogwart's Express, in Lincoln's Inn Fields in a house near to the Holborn's subway as the Sirius Black's house (Number 12 of Grimmauld Place), the Exhibition Hall of the House of Australia as the Gringott's Bank, Number 42 of Bull's Head Passage below Lloyd's Building as the Leaky Cauldron Pub, Zoo's London in Regent's Park as the Little Whinging Zoo, subway's Westminster as the outside of courtroom in the Ministry of Magic, the Oxford University as the yards of Hogwarts, the Támesis river as the river below the figh of the Death Eaters with the Order of the Phoenix. I like London for its architectural wealth :)

Greetings :)

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Flesh Mechanic

I'm going to tell you about my favorite song :D First, I was influenced in the brit pop music for my cousin Mariana, that listen Pulp, Oasis, Placebo, Suede, Blur and more others bands, A song that I like very much is of Placebo, is called Flesh Mechanic. It is part of the B-Side of the "Placebo", album produced in 1996. I like this song because the lyric is very strange, full of empty... It sound like The Cure and David Bowie. Also I like this song because is the only Placebo's song that in it lyric is mentioned the word "Placebo".. and that is brilliant: "I swallow words like a.. Placebo". The voice of Brian Molko singing that word is wonderful and excitant jajajaja :D The songs that are part of the first album "Placebo" have punk sounds. I miss songs like Nancy Boy, Bruise Pristine, 36 Degrees or Teenage Angst.. Nobody doubt that my musical tastes are a bit strange, but I like my music.. I feel very comfortable listen Placebo for the lyrics and for it human consciousness..

A fan's video of the song "Flesh Mechanic" :) Greetings to my classmates and Simon, they are bored of Placebo jajajaja  :D

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

My Friend of the El Cairo.. Yairo ♪

Yairo and me in the high school graduation.
The person that I consider a good friend is Yairo. He has been my friend since 2009 when we meet in 3th grade in the Instituto Nacional José Miguel Carrera. In that year and in the beginning we don´t talk ourselves. It was in the subway, when we came back of the a match of football in a courts of Vespucio Norte. We went to the our houses, talking of music, in this moment begin the friendship. We have to Lucybell like a common group. Apart of the music, we like the similar careers, he study in the Universidad de Chile too, but he study History. He is the bassist of his band, Dani Californicators (where are others two ex classmates, Álvaro and Andrés), that tribute to Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yairo is a great person, very responsable and... a good friend :D He is fan of de cinema too. He like the latioamerican cinema, in special the argentinean cinema. I see him rearely now, because the University consume the little time of "RELAX", but when i see him, i'm going to his home, we see some films, we eat junk food and we singing (He play the guitar, while both sing). I hope to see him more often, for the frienship don´t miss...